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Answers to Quiz Questions


                                                                                    False Dogs have 42 Teeth. 

True Enamel is the hardest structure.

   True It takes 17 to smile and 43 to frown.

True Teeth begin to form by the 6th week of pregnancy.

                                                                      False Blue is the most popular toothbrush color.




                                                                                                                 Facial Exercises 

The researchers say, regular facial exercises may strengthen the muscles just below your skin and produce fuller upper and lower cheeks. This can lead to a more youthful appearance.  Below is the list you can try.

Frowning Glory

Blink and miss

Chew Chew

Balloon Blowing 

Jaw Drop 

The Stretch

The Shocked Stare

The Fishy Pout




                                                                                                         Vitamin Regime

Through the years I've found the need to modify my daily regime.  Below is the list of vitamins and minerals I try to incorporate into my diet.  This list is not intended to change what you do without consent of your doctor.  Many people have asked for this information.  My philosophy is diet verses medicine, when possible. I hope this helps you make some modifications which benefit you.  Thank you, Dr. Hoye

Artery Health - Vitamin K2 w/ D3 (30ct) 

Morning                                                  Try to incorporate daily/weekly.       Evening

1. Weider Brand Vitamin K2 (MQ7) Artery Health                  Green & Earl Grey Black Tea (Ginger & Lemon)      Magnesium

2. Vitamin E                                                                                         Bone Broth with Garlic                                         Turmeric 2 of 2                        

3. Zinc                                                                                                  Beets                                                                        Fiber Capsules

4. Fiber capsules                                                                                Water (Alkaline)

5. Turmeric 1 of 2

6. Spirulina (Pure Hawaiian)

7. Qunol COQ10 & Omega-3









 Ways to Save

1. Save on your Electric Bill. Close basement dampers, run appliances and charge electronics between 10-6, turn off the breakers of appliances or areas of the home/office not frequently used and lastly lessen usage between 2-7pm.

2.  Review your cable bill and options.

3.  Make your own coffee or lunch, chances are it will not only save you money but be a lot healthier too.

4.  Review your insurance plans for home, auto & medical.  A fresh review or quote may find you over or under covered. 

5.  Perform maintenance when needed.


Money in the Bank?

1.  CIBC Agility Savings account is paying 1.52%

2.  Treasury Direct "I Bond" is paying 9.62% at treasurydirect.com

Whether it's Grandparents choosing to gift to a child/grandchild, or you want a safe and accessible place to save the above are options.


Happy 18th Birthday!

When a child turns 18, some parental responsibilities change, others remain. When your child turns 18, it doesn't mean that you quit providing the love, instruction and guidance that they still need. However, in the eyes of the law, you no longer have the same legal responsibilities or legal privileges that you once had. It has all happened so quickly!  It's likely you do not have a family attorney who can direct you.   

The attorney I trusted for our documents is Bill Dallas 312-236-4400


When your child turns 18, there are many things to look forward to: graduation ceremonies, bright futures, and moving out of your house (eventually). However, one thing you may not be aware of is how the magic age of 18 suddenly turns your "child" into an adult under the law.

How to Access Your Adult Child's Information

Because they are "adults" under the law, you no longer have access to their medical, financial, and educational records. And there is no guarantee you can make their medical or financial decisions if they are unable due to incapacity, even if you continue to support them. Fortunately, there are ways to access your child's information and help them if they are unable. Here are some common issues and legal documents to help:



I can't get medical information on my child.HIPAA waiver
I can't get educational information on my child.FERPA release
I can't make medical decisions for my child.health care power of attorney
I can't make financial decisions for my child.financial power of attorney
My child does not have a will and is "intestate."last will and testament

HIPAA Waiver

In 1996, Congress passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Part of that act prohibits health care professionals and facilities from releasing private medical information without your prior authorization. Since your child is an adult, they are the ones who now authorize the release. Therefore, if you call their doctor to renew a prescription on their behalf, the doctor cannot talk to you. Your child, however, can complete a HIPAA Waiver authorizing you to speak to their doctor. Each doctor or medical facility will have its own release form. You may also find a general release form on the internet.

FERPA Release

When your child is in school, you have a right to their educational records under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). On your child's 18th birthday, or if they attend a school after high school, that right transfers to your child. Therefore, you can't access your child's education records. Yes, you read that correctly. Even if you are funding your child's college education 100%, you can't see their grades if they don't want you to. Your child must permit you to get information on their academic records. To do this, they sign a FERPA release form authorizing you to access their education records. There is no standard FERPA release form. Your child's college may have its own release form that your child signs. However, if your child does not consent but is still your dependent, you may show proof of their dependent status with your tax return.

Health Care Power of Attorney

A medical or health care power of attorney allows your child to designate you as their health care agent. Therefore, if your child is incapacitated and can't make health care decisions, you have access to their medical records and can make health care and treatment decisions. Some health care power of attorney forms include an advance medical directive (also known as a living will) where your child states their preferences for care if they have a terminal or end-stage condition where death is imminent. A health care power of attorney is essential if they are in another state or location from you. You can send a copy to the health care facility to enable you to handle their health care decisions. In the heartbreaking event your child is dying, you can follow their end-of-life wishes in their living will.

Financial Power of Attorney

financial power of attorney lets your child name you as their power of attorney to access their bank accounts and handle their finances if they are unable. They specify when this authority begins, either immediately or upon their incapacity. If your child is incapacitated, you have permission to handle their financial transactions and keep up with bills and taxes.

Last Will and Testament

It may seem strange that an 18-year-old young adult may need a will. What do they have to give? However, if an adult dies without a will, they are "intestate." That means the state decides on the distribution of their estate. A will reduces costs by speeding up the probate process. And your child can name you as the personal representative to handle their estate.


It can be overwhelming but necessary to consider.



 Cholesterol is typically measured utilizing HDL & LDL blood levels along with high blood pressure.  One other measurement you might consider is homocysteine.  This can be included in your bloodwork.  Homocysteine is a type of amino acid, if elevated it can contribute to arterial damage and blood clots in your blood vessels.

Cholesterol Lowering Vitamins

1. Niacin (B3)

2. Psyllium

3. Fish Oil

4. Garlic

5. B12

6. Folate



Modifying Risk Behaviors

High cholesterol is usually treated based on total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol levels, plus the presence of additional risk factors for heart disease.

While some risk factors cannot be changed, others can.  Heart attack risk factors may include:

  • Previous heart attack
  • Diabetes
  • Tobacco use
  • High blood pressure
  • Physical inactivity
  • Overweight and obesity
  • Family history of early heart disease
  • For women: being postmenopausal
  • For men: age over 45

Of these, you can take action on not using tobacco (or quitting if you do use tobacco), being active, eating a healthy diet, and losing excess weight. You can also take medications to keep high blood pressure and/or diabetes under control.



Where to Find Us

Call: (708) 740-5564

15927 South Bell Road
Homer Glen, Illinois 60491

Email: swetuth2000@aol.com

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Homer Glen, Illinois 60491

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